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轻轻落下来的叶子's answer page 14 (308)

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Alpha and Hifumi from Yozakura Family I like watching Kyoichiro slobber over them like a pathetic fool...   reply
09 04,2024
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Maybe you just have really shitty friends if you get this upset over the vibe being wrong. You shouldn't feel obligated to make your friend have a good vibe and because you didn't have friends you're probably acting like her pet dog around her. So, imo, your friend is just using you or she's manipulating you. You might not have done something, b......   reply
28 04,2024
if you peel the skin off, it'll bleed and it's not flaky anymore! Anyway, you might need uh I think vasoline. If it's really serious consider going to a doctor because there might be some issue with the skin... But honestly, drink lots of water. That's usually the best way. The average person should be fine with just that but if not, any lipbalm ......   reply
09 04,2024
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I knew someone with a rich dad in elementary and high school. High School dad works at Enbridge and is a sort of manager. He handles the paths of all the trucks in a certain area and checks like idk how far they go and so on. He also handles the most efficient handling of those trucks and how to use data to map out some sort of path or something. ......   reply
11 days
The Usual Suspects   reply
07 11,2023
Imayoshi Shoichi Reborn, adult reborn existed for less than a few minutes but that's okay. I think... I think I have weird tastes... (⊙…⊙ ) edit: and Kyoichiro Yozakura - I swear, I had a pic of him somewhere- He's from Mission: Yozakura Family.   reply
31 01,2024
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to be or not to pee that is the question   1 reply
26 02,2024
yes because my social anxiety refuses to let go of such a convienient buffer between real breathing humans with moveable facial muscles and me.   reply
21 04,2024
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do whatever makes me happy by myself I don't want my final memory for other people to be it's-my-death-day and I don't believe sending wishes to people who are alive is good, rather burdensome die peacefully without effect   reply
08 05,2024
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... mine doesn't compare, but the most I've said is that I don't like you to my parents. I don't really think it was that hurtful because they didn't really care- Like, they laugh at me about it and say I'm cute. My parents... um... well they tell me that I want them to die and that I want their money and they bet that I'm always thinking, ah when......   reply
11 02,2024
I do not like them... in the washroom. I know I'm on a thin line but, I've met um drag queens and tbh, I can tell um that they used to be guys very obviously and I've met them in the bathroom and it feels uh really awkward for me. I don't hate them or anything, it's just- kind of uncomfortable. Because they look like guys- Rather plainly. I've als......   2 reply
11 02,2024
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I haven't because I don't like yaoi or those shoujo romances that much tbh. It's only good if it's in the background or not the main plot. Stories with just yaoi or romance feel... cheap? Self-indulgent maybe. Though there are always exceptions. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ I've heard it's terrible though... and also really good???   reply
15 08,2023
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There is no meaning to life. You are alive because you are alive. I don't understand why people need to have a meaning to live. If you're too scared to die then live... Similarly, if you have no respect for your parents and your friends, then die for something as stupid as boredom. If you are bored of living, you're not working hard enough. Betwee......   reply
10 days
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I found this website for my friend via a guy on mangakakalot because I was asking around for a good yaoi website that isn't just porn. She's a yaoi fanatic and she didn't know where to read cherry blossoms after winter at the time without idk tapas or lezhin mechanics and so I found this website and told her to read her "gay porn elsewhere from my......   1 reply
06 01,2024
From the chinese TV shows my mum watches, usually it's a nickname that's a mangled version of their name. Like uhh if your name was xiaomei, it might be mei-jie or something. Or xiao-mei (but the 小 (small) not the original letter). So, if your characters name was XY, then his nickname might literally just be Xiao X or Xiao Y. There's a comedi......   reply
24 09,2023
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You mean... if I ever knew that something bad was going to happen because I focused too much on one thing? Yes, I focused too much on math, screwed up on chemistry. Oh, every time I procrastinate? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
01 02,2024
boobs cause they're squishier.   reply
01 02,2024
it's not that annoying first time around, but idk when they accuse you of not reading their messages and when they don't it's annoying. Like, idk, I get misunderstood so it doesn't really bother me. Sometimes people just miss things and it's not really fair to whine and complain excessively about it. Sometimes I complain too, but I think if you ......   reply
09 04,2024
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I get stabbed in my dreams. I'm usually chased by something or someone and then stabbed and presumably killed when I wake up. The sensation is ticklish, but like 1000x worse, like someone dragging the knife down my spine instead of stabbing. Like, once it was a hospital-ish research thing and well, um idk I was trying to do something and I was caug......   reply
10 12,2023
First anime was Diabolik Lovers First manga was Death Note I was eleven-ish twelve-ish. I genuinely thought Diabolik Lovers was the funniest thing ever.   reply
02 03,2024