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girl germs's question (1)

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caught in a landslide, no escape from realityyyy

im being all but forced to post this by mangago user kio. i'm also listening to death spells so if this is angstier than it should be that's why (but you should totally listen to death spells cause they're great even tho they disbanded after one album).

SO ive known this person for like. not too long i guess? i don't know how to describe it. long enough but not a LONG time

and i dont want to go into too much detail but i dont know if i actually have a crush on them or if i just yearn love and i project that need to be cared for onto the first pretty person i see idk im either insane or or or or or uhhhhh or gay

but theyre really cool n im definitely not cool enough for them lmaooo but im really bad at talking about stuff but theyre always so patient w me and theyre rlly nice and funny and idk i need to shut up

,, and they also might have a partner/crush which sucks ass for me god its so hard being a stupid little lesbian . why cant i just listen to my chemical romance and cry why do i have to have FEELINGS!!!!!
16 09,2023