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✦'s answer (3)

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Jaekyung. oh my god, im not even picky with characters either, but him specifically gives me the biggest ick like can u be an ounce nicer, can u calm down a bit??   3 reply
19 12,2023
when they had better chemistry with a side character than the actual love interest and STILL chose the love interest. or when they make a character a bad guy just because he likes the mc. like what did bro do. esp if that's the ONLY reason they're the bad guy. and another ick is when they make the bottom/uke look like a child when they're supposed ......   1 reply
19 12,2023
about question
ENEMIES TO LOVERS AND FRIENDS TO LOVERS. both of the tropes make me wanna cry and roll around and explode into a bunch of little pieces. AND THE ONE BED TROPE it's so cliche and overused but i eat it up idc idc idc   1 reply
16 01,2024