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1OvErDoSE01[INACTIVE]'s answer page 4 (108)

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1 year and a half for me.. I was kinda hesitant to start reading it.   reply
03 07,2018
I was laughing from shock and amusement while showing my guy friend.   1 reply
08 05,2018
bisexual or phase ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   3 reply
04 06,2018
Yes, it's no big deal, I show it my friends, family, whatever, because I don't care about keeping it a secret, what's the point of doing that?   reply
16 06,2018
Either it'd be One Piece or Nagisa no Asukura, but in Nagisa no Asukura I want to be part of the sea realm, and for One Piece.. it would just be cool in general.   1 reply
24 05,2018
Yaoi. I have my reasons, one being because the sex scenes aren't really drawn to my liking. I don't like how when they do it, only one girl takes charge. Unlike yaoi, there is no top and bottom. They take turns to satisfy each other, so it's just annoying to see only one girl get pleasured, because in reality, it doesn't work like that. Also, I'......   1 reply
20 04,2018
Wanna learn German but motivation man.. motivation is so hard to have. I never seem to be motivated.   reply
01 05,2018
#-.-) Not gonna state my actual age. Let's just say I'm on the younger side of the spectrum. I am a (F) from the US (Up North) , I'm Asian, but part of a minority group. My occupation is.. well, I go to school. I identify as "biromantic". Right now I'm trying to learn German. After that I want to try learning French. Later on I want to learn ......   1 reply
20 04,2018
Well, generally I'm a pretty dominant person.. however I think I'm a masochist because I prefer that role better. It's nice to see someone take me over.. it sends a chill up my spine. Like someone who can throw me off balance.   1 reply
21 04,2018
Age: (psst.. its a secret!) Gender: Female, oh wow it's like I'm filling out my resume so far.. Sexuality: Biromantic. I bet half of y'all ain't know what that is. Country: USA. First Yaoi: SUPER LOVERS. (1st one I ever saw.) Favorite Yaoi: SUPER LOVERS. (Ik I'm boring) WORST: A Man Like You( this one was so bad, I dropped it) Second Place Is......   2 reply
21 04,2018
The only one I ever actually regretted reading was a DJ in which a small ass boy gets penetrated by this hugggeee dick, the dude is like x3 bigger than him and you could see his insides, his stomach was bulging and everything. Worst thing yet was that it was colored.   reply
21 04,2018
I smile uncontrollably, squealing internally and I clench my fists from the cuteness overload. I do this when I'm in public and when I'm alone.   1 reply
31 08,2018
about being gay
I wish.. I can come out easily to my friends and siblings but when it comes to my parents.. it's just too much. It makes me cry from anxiety. It's like I'm running away from the time in which I'll come out. You see.. out of my siblings I'm one of the biggest problems. I'm always the disappointment. The one who said they didn't want to go t......   3 reply
17 06,2018
I just want a painless death. Pain is not for me. Hardly for anyone in fact. If I were ever murdered brutally I'd swear on my dead body, that I'll come back and make sure the person suffers. Before death though, I'd like to have traveled the world, experienced many different things, and die with no regrets. Typical, but it's what I want.   1 reply
20 08,2018
Generally speaking I prefer to be the bottom, because I'm a masochist. However, I'm more of a "dominant" masochist, so people tend to think I'd top, but.. I like to be on the bottom, be it girl or boy.   reply
18 05,2018
Yes sure, I don't mind any role. To be honest, I think it'd spice up life a bit.   1 reply
18 05,2018