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thunderous booty alpha beast's answer (4)

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about question
when I was at the ripe age of 10, I would day dream of self-inserting myself into Undertale and dating sans. whenever I daydreamed, it would go on for a max of 4 hours and I'd even pretend they're episodes and write each one down with its own title, summary, and episode number on a piece of paper so I don't forget the plot. Im still doing this but ......   reply
20 03,2024
about question
ong bro I used to let it marinate in coconut oil and deepfry it ;_;   reply
20 03,2024
I have a male classmate one of my best friends have a crush on. One time when we were watching him play soccer, he scratched his balls right Infront of everyone (alpha male activities) and rubbed his eye a few minutes later. He ended up getting pink eye. (This was during PE)   reply
15 03,2024
about question
obsessing over reigen arataka (I still do) and would proudly display r34 of him as my wallpaper in PUBLIC. this was only a year ago feel free to point and laugh over my horny ass   1 reply
15 03,2024