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Trainwreck's answer (3)

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Other than the things people here mentioned, I dislike gender swap, and you know that story "fucked by my best friend"? The one where the MC turned into a girl? Ya that kinda stuff is SHIT, that kind of plot hate it. When the relationship starts with sex, that kind of stuff is fine if executed well ig, but it's not my cup of tea. When they FUCK ......   2 reply
01 05,2024
I'd immediately slap back, no thought just pure instinct. I have the right anyway, they assaulted me first, I cry when I'm angry so it just depends on the depth of my anger. If I'm not that angry then I'll make sure to quickly end the situation. I don't like conflicts. If I'm crying, and I'm incoherent, then good luck cause I'll either keep crying ......   reply
05 05,2024
We're orbiting too close to the sun rn yet some of us still choose to wear jackets   reply
21 04,2024