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~MangaHoe~'s answer page 1 (27)

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about question
people who tell me I am wrong for what I like or what I am interested in.   reply
20 04,2021
My first crush was Corazon from One Piece I loved how he acted like the bad guy but turned out be a teddy bear.. I cried when Flamingo killed him.   reply
28 04,2019
let's see the worst thing that probably happened to me was getting drunk with a friend and her bf he was making her drink vodka straight from the bottle so she got super drunk really quick. Later on that night she had gotten in to a fight with her bf and decided to leave the party well my other friend and I got worried so we started looking for her......   reply
23 06,2019
I honestly don't care because it is not real and never will be. People like what they like and others need to get over it.. some people should just Let People enjoy things and stop trying to make an issue out of nothing. if you know it is not real then what is the harm? if you think it is real then you should do more research.. not everything is go......   reply
12 07,2019
I have an obsession for dark and fucked up things   reply
05 06,2019
I wouldn't really call it a phobia but I have a fear of deep water.. when i was young my parents tried the sink or swim method with me in a really deep pond and I almost drowned.. I tend to stay away from deep water even though I know how to swim but if I get put in a situation where I can't touch bottom I freak out.. So I guess my biggest fear ......   1 reply
17 06,2019
It is sometimes hard to deal with them. I try to keep my distance from people like that but hey, are you gay? Is always the first question I get asked when I meet new people then when I say yes they decide to treat me like shit. So I just say yes then if they have something bad to say I tell them that this is my life and they didn't have to ask nor......   reply
11 05,2018
lol if you have to ask I am going to go ahead and say yes but that is not a bad thing everyone at one point in their life is a little bit like that.. if anyone tells it is something you should be ashamed of they are wrong. life is about living to the fullest no matter what it is that you do, do it with your whole heart in it. Happiness is the ulti......   reply
02 06,2019
both lol I can switch but I find it quite funny I have the mindset of an S while having the body of an M.. I love to be controlled but I also love letting my husband think he is in control...   reply
03 06,2019
about being gay
I had a crush on the head cheerleader in middle school and halfway through high school..when I finally figured out how much I loved her she already had me wrapped around her finger that was when I accepted it. we dated for 4 years and then she died in a car accident in 2003 after that I never dated another girl again.. I miss her like crazy and st......   reply
31 05,2018
I think people should stop trying to over think and complicate stuff and just let people enjoy things..   1 reply
28 07,2019
No, I am not I feel that if I were to hide something about myself especially something I enjoy I wouldn't be very true to myself.. I like what I like and though it might not be what others find socially acceptable it is not for others to decide.   reply
19 06,2019
None.. all the manga I have read were all way too good to drop.   reply
10 06,2019
10 years where I loved you the most is one of the saddest manga I have ever read.. with each new update I think I have prepared my heart for the worst but no it is just one emotional roller coaster   1 reply
18 07,2019
the phrase I hate most is "I seem to find you very interesting and wish to know more about you' I don't get what is so interesting about me I really hate it when someone says it like 5 minutes after meeting me.. like,I bet they couldn't even list 3 interesting things about me even after saying that what is the most frustrating thing is when I ......   reply
05 06,2019
First thing I would tell her is not to make any friends and keep to yourself it is a whole lot safer that way because the only ones who were closest to you killed themselves. Keep your eyes open an mouth shut you cannot trust everyone that includes your family. When you sign yourself out of foster care do not go home your family is nothing but a pi......   1 reply
04 07,2019
Hello, my name is Atom I am female my favorite genre is yaoi I am from the U.S   1 reply
27 05,2019
My advice would be to just tell them and explain to them that it has been just as rough for you to hold back on telling them as it might be for them to hear it but at least you are coming to terms with it and have already expected that things would not go smoothly at first. Assure them that you are still the same person you always have been the on......   1 reply
21 06,2019
22 06,2019
A penpal is someone who lives far away but keeps contact through letters or emails it could also be someone you have met or may never meet in person   reply
22 06,2019