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Korner Soul's answer (8)

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about shipping
Andrew Garfield (≧∀≦)   reply
12 03,2024
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When ever I hear the word 'Brain Rot' I instantly remember that cat meme shower with my boyfriend video I dunno but that traumatic video has a chokehold on me   reply
24 days
about question
Korner Soul
29 02,2024
and now my father took away my phone! I am using laptop rn, I wonder if he will take this too ( ̄へ ̄)   reply
29 02,2024
about question
How are you so convinced that you are a genius?? When you are that fucking F and everyone will say 'oh there is always the next time' but yk who will the sore loser be- YOU. You will regret not picking up the damn book. If you wanna retake the class do it bitch but if you don't wanna then GET YOUR ASS UP AND STUDYYY!! Some people don't have the pri......   3 reply
07 04,2024
about question
Y'all are NOT creative and it shows   reply
23 02,2024
about question
Korner Soul
07 04,2024
Uno?? Uno Cards?? Ya'll what did they do to receive death threats on a porn site I am dying- kjasjdbajsdgahsdagjsdjlsdjs   reply
07 04,2024
about question
Someone is too high to function   reply
24 days
I dunno if its a phase but I did it for a long time so what I use to do was that I wet the paper and then made it into a ball and stick it in different places to 'mark my location' as in I have been here. Not smth I am proud of. once my mom was watering plants and fresh paper mesh ( I just stick it onto the wall which was above her) dropped on her......   reply
20 02,2024