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[DELETED]'s answer (4)

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about question
and you know what ??? the worst thing is most of the time the side ml ENDS UP ALONE like the author doesnt even try to make up for this its so frustrating they are the perfect character and they are left alone this also reminds me of "master of master" the red hair guy was truly the best and a cutie pie but at the end he was left alone   2 reply
16 05,2024
about question
i just want to point out one specific thing about it : somehow... it has to do with the readers (but not only but i want to focus on the readers). I think that if the readers didn't make this type of stories extremely famous authors wouldn't think that its a magic recipe to make your story famous. They are either pressured by their editors to start......   reply
08 03,2024
about question
so for my cat (7yo) he always always have dry food! like his bowl of dry food is never empty so he can eat whenever he is hungry its not a top notch brand but he likes the taste of it! and for wet food : i give it to him once or twice a day it depends for water : his water is always clean and he always have a big bowl   reply
15 05,2024
about question
if in the first pages of the first chapter (no matter how good the story can be) the art doesnt fit my taste im dropping it instantly   reply
16 05,2024