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Night of Ecstasy's answer page 1 (45)

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about question
I saw some comments from Jinx that the seme looks like the horse from Spirit and I now can't unsee that shit.   5 reply
26 days
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I don't care either way whether or not they have babies, but it's now gotten to the point where every omega x alpha couple HAS to have babies. Personally, I prefer the regular stories like "Our Sunny Days" where the ML falls in love with a single parent MC and provides for him and his kid.(Ones with an ML taking care of MC and his baby sister/broth......   4 reply
6 days
about question
From Legs That Won't Walk... Tae-Seung lost all love from me the moment he allowed Soo-Young to be kidnapped and potentially killed JUST TO PROVE A FUCKING POINT. I don't care how hot Min-Hyuk is, this man is a repeating sex offender. Nothing will ever change my mind on that. From Liveta... Theon pissed me off the moment he showed up and raile......   1 reply
14 days
about question
I got two: Mated to The Ruthless Alpha has art that hurts to look at. It makes ALL the characters look ugly. Some are less ugly than others but not by much. 99.99% Lover's artstyle isn't as bad as the other one but it makes certain scenes and characters look weird. Like this big ass baby for instance. To be clear, I can tolerate bad artstyle if ......   6 reply
18 days
about question
I hate the mindset people have that guys and girls can't just be platonic friends. It especially sucks for me because I have more guy friends than girl friends. If I go hang out with one of them there's always some rando who asks "are you guys dating?" or "do you like eachother?" It's like no, I'm not his girlfriend he already has one and I'm not i......   1 reply
24 days
This is my time to shine! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ -Noi (Dorohedoro) -Nikaido (Dorohedoro) -Fubuki (One-Punch Man) -Maria (Maria no Danzai)   1 reply
16 days
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Bongchun (Bongchon Bride): Freed his man from slavery and treats him to a good life. Ash ( Define the Relationship): Alpha who helps Carlyle with his needs and helps him figure out his feelings. Kwon Haebeom (Our Sunny Days): Provides for a single father and his baby daughter whenever he can. Moriya (Collar Kiss): A Dom that falls in love with a......   2 reply
14 days
Not the saddest ones here but definitely worth a mention. Ice King (Adventure Time): -Protected a young Marceline by wearing a crown that gave him ice powers. He slowly went insane and had to push her away. Centuries later he becomes the lunatic Ice King who became obsessed with princesses because he once called his (long missing) wife "princess"......   1 reply
16 days
about question
It's more the issue that rape is usually romanticized and alot more personal. Usually a murder is seen as a bad thing in manga but rape? Especially in yaoi? No. Not to mention atleast with murder its more a grey issue than a black or white one (like self defense). Rape is rape regardless of context. And, as people already stated, just because you'r......   2 reply
19 days
about lmao
I am a treasure trove of disturbing knowledge but I'll just tell you some of the more interesting ones. 1. Cannibalism isn't explicitly illegal in the U.S. , it's HOW you gain the meat that is illegal (only Idaho states that cannibalism is illegal). 2. The last time a guillotine was used was in France 1977, the same year the first Star Wars movie......   3 reply
12 days
Going outside of anime here... Silco was extremely interesting to me because he was a cold, calculating villian with a soft spot for Jinx. I thought Koba was a good balance against Ceasar because they were both two sides of the same coin. Micah Bell was written in a way that made him the most easily hated member of the gang. Even his voice actor ......   2 reply
8 hours
about question
Since everyone is already saying the obvious stuff like rape, bad writing, and things involving minors I just wanna say I can't, for the life of me, stand one's involving humans with animal-like characteristics or just legit straight up anthropomorphic animals. Hard no from me.   1 reply
03 05,2024
Of the most recent BL I've read only two really stood out to me... Nerd Project designs their characters in a way that's extremely pleasing to the eyes and as much as I'm disliking Jinx, I will admit that the art here is a DRASTIC improvement from BJ Alex.   reply
12 days
about dating
Hang on I got ALOT... -Karel (Solo for Two) -Moriya, mainly because of his personality (Collar Kiss) -Jigu (My Guildmate Next Door) -Andrew AND Luke because they both deserve the spotlight (Nerd Project) -Bongchun because he's a beefy giant WHO TREATS HIS MAN RIGHT (Bongchon Bride) And here's some hot side characters I'll throw into the mix t......   2 reply
15 days
about question
Aromantics and asexuals must be living their best lives right now.   reply
19 days
about question
Not looks but personality wise, I'm extremely similar to Todd Chavez from Bojack Horseman. From his laid back attitude to his messy habits to his wardrobe right down to his asexuality. He's like a gender bent version of myself.   reply
9 days
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10 days
about question
My mom believes I have no libido whatsoever because I'm ace but I do. It's not big enough to act on it but it's still there. Not really much of a secret, I just never bothered to correct her because "actually mom I DO have something of a sex drive!" is a weird thing to say to your mom.   1 reply
18 days
I regret ever laying my eyes on this shit. I could make a whole PowerPoint on why these two fucking suck but in short: This author has a fucked up sense of what BDSM is and this one has a fucked up sense in what a BL is.   2 reply
24 days
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How common is this???   reply
19 days