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LaceWing's answer (8)

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38 here which is basically a fossil on this site. I read but don’t really participate in the forums. A Line group for 25+ could be nice...   3 reply
03 01,2020
about penpals
Feel free to add me, I’m always looking for more fujoshi/fudanshi friends. 36 in the USA. Line Id: LacewingLady   2 reply
17 11,2018
about penpals
07 11,2018
Feel free to message or add me, I love other manga and anime in addition to BL (to which I’m addicted) My Line is LacewingLady (●'◡'●)ノ   1 reply
07 11,2018
ID: lacewinglady Feel free to add me!   reply
25 11,2018
I’d be stuck with Kaneki and Touka from Tokyo Ghoul, which would be awesome but I’d feel like a third wheel.   1 reply
13 11,2018
Hi! I’ll send you an add on Line... I’m female in my 30’s from WI too! LineID: lacewinglady ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶   1 reply
09 11,2019
I’m 36, female bi from Northern WI usa. I’m half American Indian and half white. Helping with the family small businesses right now but am a registered nurse specializing in public health, HIV specialty. I only started reading yaoi this year, found it through anime (Junjou Romantica 1st) but it is addictive. Love anime, manga, fantasy etc.   2 reply
14 11,2018
I’m up for making some friends who like yaoi I tend to be pretty introverted but I’ll do my best. ID: LacewingLady   1 reply
14 11,2018