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BluBunny's answer (8)

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1) I really dont know some fujoshi wish that. It has always confused the shit out of me as well. But is probably to think they could fulfill some of their fantasy. 2) i personally am not sure about that one. I never had issues or have seen any hate about that. 3) It has been less and less of that kind of matching up. Many people now want to see ......   1 reply
17 03,2020
25 03,2020
These were both from many years was 9 when I first discovered anime. And I'm 21 now. The first anime I ever watched was Naruto. Watched it on Toonami, but a week or so later after some curiosity about Toonami, I found Bleach. And while it wasn't my first anime, its what truly got me addicted to it. Sorry Naruto lol. My very first m......   reply
25 03,2020
Ignore the answer above it sounds winky because I am on my phone. Anyways it was pretty much DBZ for me embarrassingly enough. God I was addicted when I was young. But then I caught an episode of Naruto on adult swim and when I was like...oh shit this stuff is pretty epic I looked it up on Google. From there I binged watched Bleach and Naruto a......   reply
15 04,2019
I am not entirely sure honestly. And I'm 20 lol I have never cared of gender. And my family never did either, all they ever said to me and my sister growing up was "As long as you find someone who makes you happy and treats you well we could careless of who they are" Shit my mom mentions people that she meets from work and says "You and him/her i c......   2 reply
07 11,2019
Viewfinder is always one of the best. Been reading it for like 8 years though XD Blood Link is one of my favorites 10/10 easily. Love Shuttle is also really good and one of the only ones with regular updates lol   reply
14 12,2019
I was about 12 or so when I began, how I first got introduced was through my best friend. She showed me one her yaoi books while in school. Im pretty sure she only did it so she could see how red my face would get. Little did she know hahaha...i even took a few home to read at night but it quickly died off for me. About a year or so later curiosit......   reply
17 03,2020
Technically the first yaoi I ever read was Crimson Spell. My friend showed it to me for fun, Since it was my first (boy that sounds weird) I got really flushed about it and it really didn't make me a fan. BUT!!!!!! I made mistake, curiosity took over and I read Viewfinder. The honest to god first true yaoi I read, and now here I am. A Fujoshi. (And......   1 reply
20 07,2018
The closest I ever have gotten to being caught reading smut Yaoi was when my mom needed to borrow my phone. I had totally forgotten I left some...pretty bad manga up on it. (I didn't want to lose my spot) and..I had barely just remembered I left it up right as she began to click the icon where I had it saved. All I remember was panicking and yankin......   1 reply
20 07,2018