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あみ's answer page 2 (56)

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14 08,2020
add some black pepper to it. everyone knows salt and pepper is the top combination. as for the color, close your eyes, duh   2 reply
14 08,2020
Unfortunately my parents found out because of my deep dark past of screen shotting every sex scene i thought was cool as a reference LITERALLY ONE OF THEM WAS ON OUR ALEXA SCREEN AND WOULDNT GO AWAY UNTIL MY DAD FIXED IT. FUCKING COCK IN BUSSY AND EVERYTHINGG but a lot of my friends know and dont really care, some even having the same hobby lol......   2 reply
03 09,2023
GETTING BACK WITH MY EX MOTHERFUCKER GAVE ME MORE TRAUMA THAN MY PARENTS COULD. The story in case y'all are curious (and its long...): It was during covid, and we all went back to school but I kept getting sick so I was out for two weeks and couldn't make friends. But I had a friend who told me there was a school irl discord sever and i joined.......   3 reply
28 07,2023
For this one i can see why people like it, but idk it was hella corny (i didnt even finish it LOL) i dropped this one too, cause thru out the first part, he was like- so annoying as for this one....yall's transphobia is showing, whats wrong with a lil trans rep :/   1 reply
17 10,2023
This is a great day for the litc community   reply
20 04,2024
dance and art/animation !! IM LITERALLY SO PROUD OF THIS ONE SO LOOK (I AM BRAGGING) i give u the sketch and final piece context: it was for my animation class and the point was to make a trading card with a piece that moves with the tab (in this case the wings) more about me dancing: i mainly do kpop and hip hop, but sometimes i do jazz and lyri......   2 reply
03 11,2023
about question
no cause how tf do they do it like how do u come up with the most based thing all the damn time jealous fr   1 reply
23 10,2023
25 10,2023
yeahh it depends on who youre asking but my point is that they leave each other even though the person has redeemed themselves. if ur gonna redeem yourself, you're gonna to have to as much as you did harmed; that is if you didnt fuck up hella bad like if you did the worse most irredeemable thing, for example someone said, rape, sure you can be b......   1 reply
25 10,2023
My ults are OnlyOneOf (the picture) , skz, and gidle :D   1 reply
28 07,2023
fortunately i have a family that did accept me after i came out as trans and pansexual/aromantic but they did NOT accept until more so recently (more recently like literally i came out as trans a month ago lol) it took a long time to get here because 1. they were at first very close minded 2. denied my identity on multiple occasions i came ou......   reply
25 10,2023
im a 10 but i would literally prioritize reading gay porn than talk to you   reply
21 10,2023
me-love rival- love interest- lol i end up with sykkuno, pog   2 reply
22 11,2020
i drew my favorite demon slayer characters by memory on insta   reply
06 10,2020
once you start, you cant go back yaoi sucks tho, boys love is the way to go   reply
30 10,2020
they have to be about 5'2. a feminine masculine girl. with a wolf cut. dark brown hair and eyes. born exactly on febuary 9th 2004. is australian. started her own company. made the album perfect blues. last name bahng first name hannah. related to a werewolf ig hes a popular idol brother named chris bangchan if u aint her i dont want u   reply
23 10,2023
you mean get RID of voices? Pls see a doctor :) you might have schizophrenia or DID so get yourself a brain scan. You cant get rid of them, but what u can do is go to therapy to communicate safely with them   1 reply
21 10,2020
about question
this ones only the third page tho :P   1 reply
17 09,2023
about question
Yes because i brought my exacto/carving knives to school to do art They werent even sharp, and hella dull, plus most of it was curved to make round edges :,) ig u gotta do wutchu gotta do this was my only suspension tho and it was in elementary school   reply
17 09,2023
easiest shit ever all i need is a new hyperfixation quit mangago for however long the dsmp was running ong shouldve stayed here tbh. (major brain damage was done during this time)   2 reply
19 11,2023