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mimi_nicolita's answer (4)

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Am I the only one that doesn't remember?!?? Like I have LITERALLY no idea it just started all at once like poof and then I was just in too deep lmaoo   1 reply
05 06,2020
pffft I dont really hide~. If I'm comfortable in saying I love anime/manga im also fine in saying that many of those animes/mangas are yaoi. Or people can just assume based on my drawings (which I included below XD) and YouTube playlist etc.. also many of the people I know are open about that and even have a yaoi character as a pfp Really how's it......   reply
06 11,2020
One of my first crushes are probably Kousuke from Hitorijime my Hero, Haru from Super Lovers or like Usagi from Junjou Romantica (and they still are   1 reply
26 05,2020
about drawing
I do!! follow me there! @drawings_zami ~ I follow everyone back   reply
18 11,2020