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Gawa's answer (2)

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about question
13 03,2024
I had one relationship in high school and he wanted me to dress in maid outfits and was obsessed with hentai. okay, yeah, high-school boys and their undeveloped brains- i get it. but now im in college (freshman) and i wouldn't say its worse but the sex obsession here is kinda crazy. im sex positive but have only done it with one dude (current perso......   1 reply
13 03,2024
My life is definitely on the privileged side. I am apart of a great family, i grew up smart, I live in a decent sized house, and go to a great school. What more could I want? well, for the most part my life is incredibly boring. I want to do this i want to try that. I want to take piano lessons, and I want to do sports. But I dont want to bother m......   reply
09 07,2020