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cat's answer page 1 (23)

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I loved CBAW the first 2 seasons but after that it was just meaningless filler that I read anyway cuz the couple was cute. I wouldn’t necessarily call it bad though, it’s just standard cute fluff, which some may find boring. I also couldn’t stand window beyond window lol. Mine is probably Hosik’s story (bruh was a rapist I could not read it......   4 reply
20 01,2021
09 01,2021
I don’t draw as often as I’d like to, but here are some of my drawings w very inconsistent art style   1 reply
09 01,2021
Maki x Nobara cmon just look at themmmmm they’re practically gfs   reply
19 05,2021
Definitely K-On! I tried watching it, and it was just too boring for me, whether it was characters or the (non-existent) plot. I don't get the hype and I probably never will.   3 reply
19 11,2018
As a straight I am sorry that y’all have to read this wtf is this crap please stop. When tf have u seen discrimination against straights that actually has consequences omfg Also imagine thinking that LGBT people have the privilege to discriminate against straight people like whiCH world do u live in?!?!?   reply
12 07,2020
Walk on Water bb Jaxx’s art is so gorgeous   1 reply
19 07,2020
03 03,2021
Half gay   reply
03 03,2021
16 02,2021
Nice answers so far but no one mentioned them yet so here:   3 reply
16 02,2021
Yes!! Also, people need to recognise that a majority of these stories are coming from places which are still extremely homophobic, so any and all stereotypes that they perpetuate to a largely straight audience is even more harmful!! Just wanna also add: I mean there’s a reason why porn is 18+, just because young children are exposed to it doesn......   2 reply
02 08,2020
about question
One Outs!! It’s like if Light was playing baseball it’s soooo good. Then also Dorohedoro it’s so wack but funny and cool. And also a bunch more but can’t remember them all rn. Mb Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun too cuz it doesn’t get nearly as much love as it should   1 reply
07 05,2021
about laziness
There have been a lot of q that I detested and most of them I forgot but I think one I remember - one of the most stupid one - was “heterophobia is real and straggot is a real slur”. Really dumb ppl on this site I swear   reply
18 12,2020
The problem comes when straight people dismiss legitimate concerns over the problematic content in yaoi by saying "it's not made for them". That's like dismissing women for expressing problems w representation in media meant for men (i.e. Porn, video games, some movies etc). This is even more of a problem when u realise that most of this content co......   1 reply
12 07,2020
Girl characters that are solely there to make the ML more desirable/act as a love rival and bully the MC. So fukin annoying, nobody’s life revolves around some guy, give them some fukin personality   reply
06 05,2019
Time to bring up all those screenshots I've been saving   reply
06 11,2020
I agree with you on 1,2,3 and 5100%, I can’t understand why some say that as well and irks me so. As for 4, I feel that some of the good BL comics (both shounen-ai and yaoi) offer a very different relationship dynamic that is often not seen in straight relationships and are very interesting to read personally (like hate mate for example). And o......   1 reply
14 12,2018
Blue flag/Ao no Flag!!!! The ending was bittersweet(although abrupt) but the manga made me cry so many times over the course of the series   reply
26 05,2020
tiramisu#8962   reply
14 05,2019
03 03,2021
I do think it’s pretty weird (very rarely I’ve done it too in the past-but I don’t anymore) but I find it DOUBLY weird (and gross) when they use those labels for shonen-ai cuz like-????? You don’t know? You’re not only literally stereotyping (which is gross) but also not the place?? It’s shounen-ai for a reason, stop thinking abt sex po......   1 reply
03 03,2021
21 07,2020
Beelzebub!!! I was like 13 lol. I’ve re-read it like 6 times ahahaha   reply
21 07,2020
about penpals
05 12,2018
Me as well!!! I just got line so I don’t really know how to use it well but my id is lysia07   3 reply
05 12,2018