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amemeba's answer (7)

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about cooking
1. vegetarian sushi. [cos im vegetarian] it can take 3 hours. but i think hummus made from scratch, pesto pasta [pesto made from scratch], lentil stew, salads [ i love salads, ive got a slew of recipes i like to make/eat]   reply
24 11,2023
from my understanding, 'wholesome' refers to a very fulfilling, happy-ending-story that leaves you feeling good at the end. - characters may have a tragic backstory, but will probably be redeemed or have a happy ending. no tragic endings. have read alot of these where the main character is an underdogs(saddled with a crappy fate/backstory and seem......   1 reply
13 05,2020
about cooking
oof vanilla [ya im so vanilla], vanilla with choc pieces [not the choc sauce fudge swirl], pistachio, matcha, salted caramel, coffee, coconut [certain brands only] chocolate, cookies and cream, and most recently, black sesame (=・ω・=)   reply
24 11,2023
about cooking
hm im vegetarian but i want to get mostly off dairy and if possible completely dairy free for the environment and for ethical reasons. so i havent really drunken real cow's milk in years. usually we have oat, almond, the westerm soy milk, the asian soy milk at home, so whatever is in the fridge i drink haha. but i normally go for almond in cafes i ......   1 reply
24 11,2023
about cooking
hm it depend on my focus. if they catch my attention cos: - i think theyre attractive - i like their style of clothes - i like their shoes or bag or smth so i want to ingrain in my memory the look of it so as style inspiration [i like fashion and designing] - i know them - they look familiar i might think b, or a or c lol. so all. it depends   reply
24 11,2023
lol i found it   reply
19 07,2018
thanks so much for helping me out ;)   2 reply
10 08,2018