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✦ zi's answer page 1 (42)

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Dude, can you stop? Stop with your shitty ass trolling. You're not cool and you're not funny you attention-seeker. You MAY be the same guy that bragged that they never got bullied and wanted to be hurt and bullied by others, said you were a 'diagnosed' psychopath, named themselves "Depression Potato" and deleted their account after getting tons o......   1 reply
15 07,2020
we didn't need to know-   reply
24 10,2020
the fuck did you say?   reply
11 07,2020
They're fucked up. There has been an incident of this Japanese woman who tried to kill her boyfriend, and people fetishized her for being a "yandere" even though she attempted to kill her boyfriend, who fortunately survived after almost dying.   1 reply
07 02,2020
Bad move. You made this thread expecting you wouldn't get rude remarks back or insults, but more than 90% of these comments are backlash.   reply
02 05,2020
about nicknames
the man who stabbed his wife in front of my primary school lived across the street...   1 reply
05 10,2020
It's disgusting. Besides, wasn't it already over?   reply
11 04,2021
I'm a huge fan of Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint. I'll post the novel's cover BECAUSE THAT SHIT GOOD!   2 reply
30 08,2020
Yellow hair + purple eye combo with LONG HAIR   reply
25 02,2021
The comment section of that post is fucking disgusting. Facebook sucks, end of the story.   reply
06 07,2020
about question
07 06,2021
Guess what? You're probably right on this decision. I can't help but think this friendship you had with her was incredibly one-sided; she had a crush on you and she constantly dismisses every concern you raise up, and also every time you said "no". She definitely didn't want to be friends, but rather, be in a romantic relationship. She's also imma......   2 reply
11 10,2020
28 01,2021
✦ zi 26 12,2020
This was incredibly fun to make! :) I made 3 of the same (or similar???) people and 1 woman   1 reply
26 12,2020
✦ zi 26 02,2021
26 02,2021
✦ zi 22 11,2020
Damn, just what did I do to deserve this much attention, thank you so much.   reply
22 11,2020
✦ zi 03 06,2020
"Girl, I can sing my ABC's to you... I'll give you an A because you're Awesome A B because you're Beautiful A C because you're confident And I'll give you this D because you Deserve it!"   reply
03 06,2020
about did anal
Great Characters: When characters go through a huge development throughout the series; they learn from their mistakes, solve their own problems and aren't just rescued by others. They change to become a better person; whether it'd be becoming more powerful, kinder, etc. Also, these characters shouldn't be super overpowered and should have both wea......   reply
23 10,2020