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Spammy's answer (8)

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about question
Expecting an idol to behave like a doll who does nothing but sing and dance for you is far more problematic than watching a popular anime.   1 reply
20 11,2023
about question
dawg try being here for 10 i've been using this site since 2014   6 reply
16 02,2024
Here’s the really serious sociological explanation to your question (why do so many people primarily discuss content they hate online)—not confined to mangago but internet spaces in general. It’s a combination of younger people being raised on commodified platforms with algorithmic curation and the psychology of anger in insular groups online......   5 reply
10 11,2023
Hi! I’m a PhD student with a focus media and sexuality studies, specifically BL. Long story short yes, I 100% believe it is fine. In fact, these sort of fantasies can even be healthy, when they remain within the realm of fantasy. I’ll be leaving links to academic sources about this below. This goes with other kinds of illegal things—murder, c......   2 reply
01 11,2023
my mom’s a romance author she down for whatever I don’t watch shit with her but we swap recs sometimes   1 reply
07 11,2023
(Edit: Sorry about the salty comment I left an actual explanation below) Because it’s fictional and fantasy doesn’t mean you condone it irl. Hope this helps Ok I left a really salty comment and I wanted to apologize lol, it’s been a long day. I’m doing a PhD in media studies with a focus in sexuality and here’s an actual explanation fo......   reply
31 10,2023
I’ll give you some legit advice since I’m in my late 20s and am involved with a woman 16 years older than me. Dating someone older is complicated—someone being older means there’s an inherent potential for power difference and a difference in life stages. I recognize that my own relationship has potential for imbalance, but I’d like to t......   reply
14 03,2024
Yep. My mom is a romance author so she’s really cool about it and likes some of the stories   1 reply
08 06,2020