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angel1's answer (13)

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32, straight female - i don't hang out with ppl outside my family anymore, my social life is non-existent, and frankly i'm a bit socially awkward. i can talk to guys but not in a flirty, etc kinda way. also no offense but guys kinda suck these days - it feels like they only want sex without commitment and i can't see myself in that kinda relationsh......   1 reply
21 04,2024
Junjou Romantica and Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, followed by Viewfinder and Loveless are officially my first manga to completion, but I was first exposed to BL manga with Earthian and World's End when my friends showed me a volume of each - though i didn't finish them at first. However I had previously discovered BL anime when I came across Descendents o......   reply
10 05,2020
when i got caught masturbating by my stepdad, already awkward but was even worse since i'm a chick...he forgot to knock that day, but never again after that...   reply
31 08,2020
As someone coming from a Christian perspective, I just want to clarify a few things. While I cannot speak for all Christians, as there are different denominations or groups within Christianity all with their own versions and teachings, the basic Christian belief is that there is only one true God and that he is an omniscient celestial being. He lov......   reply
12 10,2020
the geeky weirdo the MCs go to to find out more about urban legends or creepy monster facts and weaknesses. i read an watch entirely too many weird/creepy monster stories and now have a whole freakin database of that shit! then i see them off after having equipped them with the necessary monster knowledge to go save the day!   reply
23 04,2021
anything mecha (aside from a couple choice exceptions) and anything sports (again with a couple exceptions) just because i find both genres quite boring   reply
08 12,2020
Me and my cousin found her dad's porn mags when we were about 5 or 6 too, but we kept our mouths shut.   1 reply
23 08,2020
I'm stuck with the Hourglass guess I'm screwed.   reply
16 11,2018
first one was inuyasha currently I don't really have particular anime crushes because I just like too many of them, but if I had to pick one that I am extremely fond of I would say probably Tatsuya from The Irregular At Magic High School   reply
18 12,2018
First anime was either Sailor Moon or Dragon Ball Z, can't remember which followed by Pokemon and Digimon. Though at the time I didnt know what anime was. Inuyasha was the first one I watched after realizing what anime is. First Manga was also Inuyasha (Before Final Act) because I wanted more and the anime only went so far. Then Final Act came out......   reply
29 06,2019
I actually didn't much care for BL at first, I would cringe and look away a lot. It was a few years later in my senior year of high school when I began chatting and hanging out with some fujo friends of mine that I attempted BL again and actually learned about it. Before that I had only come across it a couple times and tended to avoid it. Even aft......   2 reply
13 12,2018