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Foxglove's answer page 2 (27)

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This world will always try to bring you down and it doesn’t make it easier when you feel like you are your own worst enemy. You must ALWAYS remember to love yourself each day, tell yourself something you love about yourself or simply say “I love you” you to yourself when you wake up. When you lay down to go to sleep at night, try to think at......   2 reply
19 07,2021
Peach Nigori   reply
28 04,2021
No and no and some more no. It’s vile.   reply
03 07,2021
I have loved Candy since chapter 1. I really like action stories and their relationship flows perfectly everything going on around them. It is one of my favorites!   reply
23 07,2021
Level 2..........well at least I will be blowing around for an eternity with Cleopatra   reply
10 02,2021
Looks, hmmmmm, have always loved women more than men so I guess I would prefer my partner to be a woman. I am tiny, little waist, nice tatas and a butt to die for, yes, I still have it at my age, 5’5” and pretty. The women I have dated or had crushes on in the past have always been what American society considers plus sized. I love a curvy,......   reply
02 02,2021
That was fun. I was so surprised when he guessed it! Thanks for posting this quiz!   reply
05 02,2021