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Asdfg's answer (11)

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I got like a 33% on my physics exam and I cheated   1 reply
15 01,2021
09 01,2021
Why the fuck are people always debating whether or not pedophilia is wrong or not on this website???? The only right answer: it’s wrong. Y’all gotta stop asking the same question over and over when the answer is so obvious.   reply
09 01,2021
Oh lmao I thought cestelle was a fictional character, I didn’t know it was an actual person of mangago   reply
09 01,2021
I’m pretty sure the site made discussion forums to talk about manga not life issues ..also who died   reply
09 01,2021
20 01,2021
I agree, we’re not the best people lol. I never thought we were saints for this. I mean at least we can offer boost in popularity. There’s a lot of stories that would not be this popular or gain this much recognition if it wasn’t available on mangago. Once stories gains a following, a lot of people usually go to the official sites to support ......   reply
20 01,2021
14 01,2021
Ngl two seme with the best smiles below, and the other two are just super hot   1 reply
14 01,2021
Yess, I go through there’s periods where I don’t read at all then I read again. But I enjoy shoujo mangas more. Yaoi reads are usually when I’m bored.   reply
28 07,2019
I think the first times I read yaoi, I wasn’t usually use to seeing really explicit things so yeah kinda turned me on. But now I’m kinda desensitized to it. Most yaoi is legitimately porn over plot, but those with plot I tend to just skip over sex scenes tbh.   2 reply
21 07,2019
11 08,2019
I wanna join : exo#1479   reply
11 08,2019
I especially hate it when people hate on the female characters like it’s their fault they’re written like that. Blame the writers, not the fictional character lmao   reply
09 01,2021
No, I’ll take it to my grave. It’s nothing to be shameful about but I don’t know many people who would take it as a good thing from me lmao   reply
08 01,2021