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juuulya's answer page 1 (27)

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Someone: I didn’t like bj alex. Every fujoshi on this hellsite: UM WHATS W ALL THE HATE GUYZ (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づEVERYONE SO HATEFUL ┗( T﹏T )┛LETS BE POSITIVE UWU ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   4 reply
06 10,2020
11 09,2020
No, because there shouldn’t be kids on here lol the site says “13 or older” and I think a 13 yr old is more than capable of adapting to “curse” words   1 reply
11 09,2020
Clit gets hard, just like a boner   5 reply
05 04,2020
13 09,2020
NCT127 - Kick It   reply
13 09,2020
“Bookmark... Successfully!”   reply
10 02,2021
about question
06 05,2021
Phone bad book good   reply
06 05,2021
I just ripped a fart so loud that it scared my cat   1 reply
09 10,2020
I have no idea how y’all get these combos that make sense bc like   reply
13 11,2020
I have a massive album of bizarre screenshots linked in my bio   1 reply
30 04,2021
about question
bungus   3 reply
08 02,2021
about question
The anatomy class at my high school had to dissect puppies and kittens...   3 reply
13 04,2021
This website isn’t illegal and isn’t shutting down. Read the ToS and legal disclaimer before fear mongering please.   2 reply
29 06,2020
Gender = how you choose to identify (man, woman, trans, etc) Sex = biological anatomy (male, female, intersex) Gender is a spectrum, sex is not. .... Plus, a gay porn comic torrenting website isn’t really the place to get differential opinions on this matter lol   1 reply
01 05,2020
I would really love see some clussy (clown pussy) :)   1 reply
26 07,2019
Mine have the most classic American love story. In high school, my mom was a cheerleader and my dad was a star quarterback. My mom got pregnant and they had a shotgun wedding. My sister was born shortly after the wedding and I came 10 years later. They’re celebrating their 32nd anniversary this year.   1 reply
01 07,2021
I’ve never seen more than that BJ Alex topic I made a while back. 150 likes 110 dislikes 9 pages of comments last I checked   2 reply
12 07,2021
I forcibly forgot the name so I can’t link you but one time I saw a shota with a binky wearing a diaper. I wanted to commit not living smh   reply
18 11,2020
A bj Alex topic I made awhile ago popped off. I think I got 160 likes and 100 dislikes or sum   3 reply
09 06,2021
20 09,2020
I’m a shawol! I literally have a SHINee tattoo   reply
20 09,2020