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SomeRandomAssKid's answer page 1 (23)

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about question
My bags would've been packed the second they allowed me to live with them.   2 reply
02 03,2021
about lmao
Ayy why is he shushing me   1 reply
01 02,2021
about question
I'm all sweaty, I feel myself going up and down while spreading my legs in mid air for a split second and hearing my hands clap.. I want to stop doing it after 2 sets but I love doing this exercise, it's my favorite.. I love doing jumping jacks - I tried now imma head out‍♀️‍♀️   reply
28 04,2021
about question
I don't know how he makes me cute but he's so cute T - T   1 reply
12 03,2021
I was reading Blood Bank in class and the history teacher(male) was behind me this whole time and he called me to his desk and we were talking about how I shouldn't be reading these kinds of things ╥﹏╥   2 reply
29 12,2018
Everyone.. I never told y'all this but I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU PLEASE ACCEPT MY LOVE FOR Y'ALL !!   2 reply
26 01,2021
about question
Hmm.. what is that supposed to mean? Like peace out?   reply
01 02,2021
4/5 it's a high rate but it's an illegal website, what more can we expect from it. I don't really interact with people so I don't have much to complain about my messages being deleted   reply
25 01,2021
They are real.. so what world do I go to.?   reply
02 03,2021
I got OceanBay and tbh it's so true about me   reply
09 03,2021
about have sex
Haven't done "it" but I kissed my neighbor and tbh thinking about it now it was kinda weird but at the time I wanted to do it everytime I saw her.. I also had a friend who would take me to a small storage room and both of us would strip. We would stare at each other's and sometimes touch/grab the boobies and ass. At some point she stopped and I wa......   1 reply
05 03,2021
about lmao
Oh.. nice   reply
01 02,2021
I feel like I might be uke since I'll be to shy to be uke and also I'm Smol and I might be like DG (from Bj Alex) ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍   reply
29 12,2018
It's okay, I kind of understand how you feel about it but it seems as if they are mocking you for reading BL.. Talk to them, tell them you feel uncomfortable with them always telling people about it.. Good Luck   reply
27 11,2020
about question
SomeRandomAssKid 04 03,2021
I don't get this question.. can someone explain?   1 reply
04 03,2021
Just the word Marriage already scares me like I know I'm 13 and still have a long way to go but just thinking about Marrying someone and being with them forever will make me feel trapped and be blinded with love like what if it doesn't go well..What are you gonna do?Divorce?yeah that's only if you two agree but if you don't then what? (Girl talking......   3 reply
03 01,2019
I feel like I did good :D... although I still might fail it ; - ;; - Oh I put my name as SomeRandomKid because I forgot about the kiddo part   reply
13 11,2020
Let me join please(⌒▽⌒)   reply
29 12,2018