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SomeRandomAssKid's experience (3)

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hello everyone, So I've been questioning this mainly because I have a friend who says that they are Bisexual and Pansexual.. I thought you can only have 1 sexuality, so it's been bothering me for a while. Even tho I'm part of the lgbtq+ I still have a lot to learn about other sexualities. And this one is confusing me, if they don't care about the g......   reply
05 06,2021
Someone I'll always remember is my crush bully.. I don't know why I liked them since they always made fun of me and made me feel insecure or hurt.. I think I'm some masochist but that's someone who'll I'll always remember   reply
26 01,2021
Your 15th pic is your reaction   reply
02 03,2021