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kkmiyabi's answer page 2 (35)

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Like 6 years ago a freind of mine told me to watch Junjou romantica. I ended up going with it becuse it was recomended to me and I decided to begin to explore the yaoi genre since I had a feel for all the rest of the other manga genres with the exception of yuri, smut, sports and mecha at that time. So thus began my descent into bl. I began to read......   1 reply
07 06,2019
Wow I have never seen so many people that share my myer's briggs in one place lol. I am an INTJ-A female. I remember when I first took the test in my first semester of college and I thought to myself " This is going to be a load of bs that is so general that it could describe anyone however I'll take it anyways just to laugh at my result. After tha......   reply
07 06,2019
My mom is homophobic and I have to try to keep her tame in public when there are gay people around. She has no clue that I read yaoi or anything remotely smutty and I plan on keeping it that way. We argue enough about weather it is okay for people to be gay or not. Obviously I am VERY pro Love = Love so any time the subject arises we end up yelling......   reply
13 09,2019
I own 2,000 volumes of manga of varying genre's in all; I would esitmate that about 5-10% of the series I own are yaoi. TBH I read WAY more series online than I physically own. I would guess that I've read probably over 50 yaoi manga series despite only owning 10-15 physical series ( I've read over 500 manga series of varying genres) . My mom is ex......   1 reply
13 09,2019
I'd find it hard to find a friend that doesn't know lol. My family doesn't but all my freinds should.   reply
13 09,2019
1. I personally don't wish to be a gay man and I think a lot of fujoshi's who do wish to be a gay man are reading the manga and taking it as a direct example of what it is really like to be in a gay relationship. The rose colored lense blinds the reality of gay relationships between men making theese relationship look easier than what they actually......   1 reply
13 09,2019
I am a collector and I have read over 400 manga series since I got into manga 11 years ago. It takes a lot for me to drop a series since I have made it through reading absolute garabage before. I have however dropped a lot of manga; some I picked back up and are now treasured favorites and others have become long forgotten since I never kept track ......   5 reply
08 06,2019
I have multiple reasons lol. 1. Haven't meet the right guy, or any guy for that matter who is interested in dating me. 2. I'm too busy to have a relationship anyways since I am a full time student, have 1 part time job and babysit for my mom part time too. 3. Even if I was dating a guy right now I'd have a hard time opening up to have sex becuas......   reply
26 10,2019
Probably try out my new parts and then find some gender neutral clothes to wear before going out and buying clothes for guys.   reply
13 09,2019
I personally didn't know about yaoi until I was 12 and didn't get into it until I was 13. To be honest I don't feel like your too young for yaoi. I feel like thats the standard age that people discover and get into yaoi so I wouldn't feel bad. There are some people that will think your too young because of the existience of yaoi hentai however with......   1 reply
15 08,2019
I would have no advice to give. I've been that person my entire life; I went through C-PTSD when I was 9 and was beaten by people who used to call me their freinds. Later on when I was 11 I went to a new school 2 years later and tried to make freinds only to realize that each one of them was only my freind becuase "I'm rich" (my grandparents are mi......   1 reply
10 06,2019
My name is Caterina; people call me Cat although I preper my real name however I don't care enough to tell them and make things awkward. I am 21. Where I am from people sell cakes and shirts with hurricanes during the summer and make hurricane memes. I am ironically a manga collector despite living in the extremely humid sunshine and hurricane stat......   reply
10 06,2019
I'm currently christian or at least monotheistic, formerly completely non-religious. My family is christian however they don't really care what I read. at the same time I'm 22 and my mom tried to stop me when I was younger but failed miserably lol.   reply
19 06,2020
I've read over 400 manga series so considering that the yaoi genre would only amount to maybe 20% or less of the manga I have ever read as a rough esitamte I would have to say no despite the fact that I fit the definition pretty well. I do love to read yaoi and I do ship characters however yaoi is only a small portion of the manga that I read. Tech......   reply
19 06,2019