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GreekFreaks13's answer (3)

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well i'm from greece and half from england but i live in greece, i speak in greeks but my second language is english so you can say that i'm from 2 countries and i speak two languages!!   2 reply
03 11,2018
17 years old, male, high school student, trangender biromantic (i go with both genders him/her), i'm from Greece (well and some half of me from england), i love so much reading manga, watch anime, writing some stories and drawing, my sister also likes manga and yaoi but no one in my school likes it so i'm lonely and i don't have any friends....... ......   1 reply
03 11,2018
well i guess so? i mean not in a young age but later maybe i will i want around in the age of 28-31 ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
03 11,2018