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JiKookieLuv's answer page 3 (96)

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Why does fake food look more appetizing than real food? T-T   reply
13 05,2021
18 10,2020
I'm a female heterosexual, literally just straight. But lets just say I'm not a very vanilla type of person lol. I'm also a potato so there is that.   1 reply
18 10,2020
This was nice I like how fantastical the options were.   reply
14 01,2021
about question
25 04,2021
I can be a bit blunt and abrasive. lol   reply
25 04,2021
Okay sooo, who needs a hug? (っ⌒▽⌒)っ   1 reply
23 06,2021
30 12,2020
Really enjoyed this lol   1 reply
30 12,2020
"You're ___ just like your sister!" I kinda look like her, we're sisters. I laugh like her, we ARE sisters. I can draw like her (or just as well as, but our styles are VERY different but I'm apparently 'at her level' even though I draw daily and she hasn't tried anything in (4-6 years) , can sing like her ( Very different voices and control but we ......   reply
11 03,2020
about lmao
I love cats so   reply
12 04,2021
Accurate ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
18 03,2021
about lmao
Well, 14th exactly and i'm not complaining someone make it happen lol   1 reply
03 06,2021
about question
But make the hair curlier. And yes I have an eye mole but the lower mole is on my cheek.   reply
25 04,2021
So I took it once got a sub omega, didn't feel quite right with some of the answers I picked, so I took it again, changed one answer I was on the fence about then got mature alpha, then I looked at the 'your answers' section and it all made sense lol. But I've always been weird with tests, am an entp (16 personalities test), am a switch or nearly e......   reply
20 04,2021
It seems ill always be wearing glasses lol Also scrunching my eyes like that? It must be my super power xD At least i'm royalty of some sort   reply
23 06,2021
Accurate. lol   reply
02 06,2021
I'm suspicious by nature, too many backstabbers in my family not to be. But some of y'all are a lil insane in the membrane lol. I'm also an entp for those who are interested to know.   reply
21 01,2021
I had time and made all three.   reply
06 01,2021
Fun but a bit difficult, I hope it's ok lol   reply
22 07,2021
Now if only I was just more honest lol would've probably got something a lil different.   reply
10 02,2021
08 04,2021
Had fun. lol   reply
08 04,2021