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Hasr11's answer (3)

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Hmm, don’t wanna tell my age, but I’m definitely younger than 20. Just a tiny advice from someone who fell in this pit around the same age as you, Don’t go about revealing your line id if you use it for irl friends and family too. Use discord or smth. Your name’s anonymous there. Also, never read Yaoi on your phone when you’ve got paren......   1 reply
24 04,2019
I see, a fellow manly uke appreciator... I’d recommend these ones to start you off Super funny. Omega is the seme lol Short But sweet Omegaverse, both seme and uke are super buff h......   1 reply
01 02,2019
I’m not that active, but here goes〜 hasr11#9300   reply
26 01,2019