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heyheyhey's answer (8)

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not hate but i just dont feel like watching them lol anyway: one piece, noragami, and all these yaoi animes (idk why),   1 reply
10 03,2021
here's mine they're just a little small idk cant write big letters   reply
10 03,2021
thanks for asking but im not :( i just cant understand my math classes im so dumb   1 reply
16 02,2021
me on a good day lmao   reply
22 05,2021
I can speak English and Filipino, fluently. Mandarin cuz we were taught in school and for idk reason, I easily learned it compared to my classmates, can speak a little Spanish and Arabic cuz my dad taught me when I was young and a little Nihongo cuz I have always been interested in Japan. I'm actually trying to learn Korean but idk it's really hard......   reply
24 04,2021
about question
heyheyhey 19 05,2021
It will hurt. This is just a personal experience but no matter how long I was prepped, it hurt. Hurt isn't the right term hmm I guess it's more like it "stings". I didn't bleed tho and uhm you can take the whole thing the first time lol.   reply
19 05,2021
doing this while in class   reply
17 03,2021
idk she's just pretty sooo here   reply
26 05,2021