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Skool is evil :('s answer page 1 (55)

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Oh boy, that’s one very controversial topic. I don’t think me or the general public believe pedophiles who committed pedophila deserve a second chance. Sexually preying on a child is the most vile and sick thing a person could do, even worse than killing a child. But I don’t think people should disregard all pedophiles, specifically the ones ......   2 reply
11 09,2020
I like to screenshoot tweets   1 reply
19 04,2019
Damn, guess I’m pretty happy   7 reply
19 10,2020
POV: That young, intelligent, and hot professor just saw you say “sussy baka uwu” unironically, making him lose 10 years of his lifespan. Now you have to spend your next four years aware that a college professor already sees you as a disappointment.   1 reply
04 06,2021
It took God seven days to make the world but it'll only take seven digits for you to change mine.   reply
03 06,2020
Kermit is love. Kermit is life. I want to be one with Kermit.   reply
23 11,2020
about question
15th photo (my hypothetical waifu): 22nd photo (me): With enough imagination, this has the potential to be really kinky   1 reply
25 05,2021
“Um.. I’m sorry. Even though you try so hard, I still can’t remember you.” “Okay, okay I got it! I got it already so shutdup will you! Idiot!” “Cheating scum don’t deserve second chances though?”   reply
03 06,2021
No, it’s edgy boy. Have a good sleep.   reply
26 08,2020
“Why? Explain to me how ugliness correlates to you disliking me. Define attractiveness. You can’t leave without explanations.” And then I proceed to keep them from leaving for at least two hours so they can explain their logic in every detail to me. I’ve done it before and can confirm, people don’t bother me after that.   reply
17 12,2020
Wait, people actually say that? Why tho   1 reply
30 05,2020
Fun! Like a lot of shitty stuff did happen, but the good stuff outweighs the bad. So, happy life = good life   reply
17 12,2020
Been an opportunist seme every single time. Someday I will become a romantic seme, don’t give up.. ┗( T﹏T )┛   reply
21 02,2019
Would be kinda exciting if only the top part looked vaguely human, but the bottom of the body looks like the spawn of satan.   reply
09 03,2021
I’ve come to realize I lack romantic attraction, so instead I made my ideal man. Frankly, just wanna marry someone with a sweet, motherly disposition.   1 reply
07 06,2021
Instead of twins, I ended up trying to recreate my OC’s parents. One version of when they were young and another version of them now.   reply
12 01,2021
When I accidentally strangled myself as a little kid. I wouldn’t consider it traumatizing, but I guess it technically is my trauma because I can’t wear most things around my neck. For example, if I wear stuff like a necklace or turtlenecks, my throat feels blocked to the point it’s pretty hard to speak, my gag reflexes get more severe, and my......   reply
18 12,2020
The first character crush was definitely Tohru from Fruits Basket. I know she could be considered a “doormat” shoujo MC, but I really loved her optimism and always sweet nature even at the roughest times. I didn’t care who she got with as long as my OG waifu was happy. #Tohruisbestgrill My current character crush is Ashiya Hanae from Fukige......   reply
28 04,2019