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chairenee's answer (6)

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Turning 25 this March. Female. From Philippines. And I'm a mom. I have a 1yr old baby boy. Fufufufufu. Still, i can't let go of anime. It's in my blood. Anime and manga is my stress reliever. It's so funny to watch the reaction of my husband when he sees me watching or reading a yaoi genre. Fufufufufu. Oh! My baby boy loves to hear my ost collectio......   1 reply
17 01,2019
I'm a certified fujoshi. I love boobs. I don't care even if its a man or woman boobs. And i love chocolates next is sex.. Fufufufufufu(⌒▽⌒)   reply
12 01,2019
If I'm a guy i will be the one to do fucking.ヾ(☆▽☆) But as a straight woman of course I'm the one receiving.   reply
12 01,2019
The #1 answer in that is because of sex scenes. Fufufuffu #2 i think its the p***s?!! #3 they are sooooo beautiful and sexy. #4 and the story line. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ   1 reply
12 01,2019
16 ヾ(☆▽☆)   3 reply
17 01,2019
I was happy reading it. It excite me from the bottom that i will scream like crazy. (≧∀≦) this what I'm looking for.   reply
17 01,2019