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Kiwia potato's answer page 2 (76)

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Kiwia potato
02 09,2020
Queen is my everything and gaeul but I only have pictures of queen   1 reply
02 09,2020
Taehyung's crackhead energy   1 reply
21 10,2020
memy partner my child   reply
13 11,2020
Myself... And people who make fun of others with logical points   1 reply
17 10,2020
Hmmm   reply
03 12,2020
I cried in class but didn't want anyone to notice so I sticked my head to the desk as my classmate got me tissues and I hid my face the whole time all cause I couldn't explain a problem properly   reply
06 10,2020
I forgot my username- Oh! I was playing a game and my friend named herself kiwia potato trying to spell kiwaii I made it myy username because she didn't want to remember it   reply
04 11,2020
Kiwia potato
28 12,2020
here   reply
28 12,2020
27 12,2020
Welp my mom won't get me a therapist even though a certified doctor said I have depression ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
03 09,2020
Kiwia potato
21 10,2020
Oh wait you didn't say Simon says   reply
21 10,2020
18 01,2021
it's sad that I've been doing this all day   reply
26 12,2020
about question
i did not expect this many people to answer this question usually when i make a question it gets like four answers thank you all for the nice photos i'll share some of mine too cause why not   reply
18 02,2024
about question
i talk more in these then comments probably cause of the formatting but i don't know i usually don't have much to say that someone else already hasn't most times or i just forget the comments exist   1 reply
13 01,2024
I'm here I'm bi and trans   reply
26 12,2020
Honestly keep that shit to yourselves   reply
24 12,2020
Kiwia potato
08 05,2021
08 05,2021
What's a straggot? I'm to innocent to understand but you sound butthurt   2 reply
18 10,2020
Friends...   reply
21 10,2020