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Bubblegum4U's answer page 2 (521)

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I hate it when the sex scene is 3 chapters long. I know it’s hot and all but bro it should only take a half or a chapter to do that, I can’t believe it’s longer than the plot itself (pwp doesn’t count)   1 reply
18 09,2023
All I know is that Auntie is the only good transgender representation. Watch or read “skip to loafer” 100% worth the read   3 reply
23 08,2023
Now that I think about it, what's the difference?   reply
19 01,2021
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Found my new meaning in life   3 reply
30 11,2023
Orc’s Bride   3 reply
22 08,2023
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Bet the ratings are high it because of the smexy art style even if it has a cliche ass plot and characters that is copy and pasted from any other boring ass bl. Pathetic.   1 reply
16 11,2023
Back then I would just finish watching a series, manga, or fanfic that has 130k words in AO3 up until 4am because it’s so interesting. Now I don’t have that much time so I just sleep   reply
04 01,2024
Amazing world of gumball, regular show, and adventure time   2 reply
25 06,2021
That's an unpopular opinion?   reply
20 07,2021
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You type like a minor or you’re just a man child wtf. Shipping irl people is already weird because they’re REAL people and not your toys where you can do it on fictional characters. You should’ve keep it yourself if anything   reply
05 02,2024
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Tempting. I really wanna try reporting a user tho   1 reply
12 07,2021
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Similarities attract. I want both to understand why or how they are like this (from the very start) y’now? These two awakened it for me   3 reply
16 01,2024
This could also be romance in general: -2nd Male Leads (my poor babies) -harem (like not everyone has the same type tf) -damsel in distress & white knight plot devices (no personality tbh) -edgy edgelords mls (depends) -misunderstanding (idk if it has an interesting story I’ll drop it if not used well) -mc not running away from this toxicity -t......   2 reply
19 12,2023
Damn. Seen some of it but this site is just becoming twitter by the day   reply
27 11,2023
Gonna be honest I thought we’re cooking like bl couples. Literally.   1 reply
24 01,2024
In person. I don't get motivated at home caused I experience it last year, from top 2 to top 9 :))   1 reply
18 07,2021
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I wonder if they’re just hiding the fact they love cannibalism or gore. I think it’s stupid AND hilarious LMAOOO   reply
27 01,2024