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افسر پلیس's question page 3 (47)

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Ima continue this chain
"Who do u follow and why?"
22 02,2021
about question
Bruhhhhhhh Have y'all seen armins drip tho, like never in my entire 6 years of being a aot fan
Did I ever think I would simp
06 03,2021
about question
its me head master D AHAHAH u think the pico clans gone NOPE this clan talks about the art boku no pico a story about Pico who's longing for a sense of friendship after he was kidnapped by his 'grandfather' who forced him to wear girl skirts and contracted him AIDS. All Pico wanted was to go home, play and be a normal child again, but everyone abused him. ngl this story was actually fucking interesting if u ignore all the porn. if u would like to join just add it in your bio. WE NEVER LEFT and remember to do your daily prayers to the pico god.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
03 07,2021
about question
Y'all what should I do,
my mom signed me up for fucking free knitting classes
The zoom is in a hour. And shes forceing me to go she even bought me shit tons of yard and the fucking sticks and shit.
09 03,2021
Aite y’all I’m bored af and it’s 12am here anyone wanna join a group chat with me again just put your username in the comments lmao
I promise it’s not for anything sketchy
23 02,2021
aite this is my third time posting about this lmao i keep seeing people commenting on the original post which im not even checking any more lol since i put the link but im not sure if people are seeing so im posting it one more time for people lol i may post again in accouple of hrs as well
but pls joiNNnNNN we got teaaa

just copy and paste the link in the brower if it doesnt work lol
14 07,2021
lol so pretty much my friends are going on a field trip to Disney world and this may be the last time we see each other for I am moving away. I want to have a fun day with my friends riding rollercoasters but one of my friends has severe motion sickness so of course, she can't get on any of the rides without having the need to pass out after. so as a person who loves their friend and would like them to have fun going on rollercoasters as a gift I would like to buy her motion sickness medicine but sadly I can't afford all of it so I started a GoFundMe for my friend, if u would like to donate the link is here.
have a wonderful dayyyy.

10 03,2021