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Potato's answer (11)

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Well, i only know English but would love to help in any way i can!! All the best to you guys (●'◡'●)ノ !!   1 reply
05 02,2019
Well am only 16 and never been in love . But some advice would really help!!So add me in too guys!! My id is devilannie26   reply
05 02,2019
Add me to, peeps!! My id is Devilannie26   reply
05 02,2019
Hi!! new to line here. To be honest just made my id. my id is devilannie26. I really wanna make different kind of friends!!   reply
05 02,2019
about penpals
Potato 08 06,2019
annie260   reply
08 06,2019
about penpals
Id : annie260   reply
08 06,2019
about penpals
Can I join??   reply
08 06,2019
about penpals
Potato 07 07,2019
My Id is annie260   reply
07 07,2019
about penpals
hi! I also love manga and anime. My line id is annie260   reply
07 07,2019
Am 16 and a virgin!! I only wanna do it with someone i actually love but till i haven't even experienced attraction to someone! Maybe I am asexual or the type that only falls in love 'once in the lifetime' or something !! :)))   1 reply
06 05,2019