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ElloryQueen's answer (2)

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So the first crush I can remember is Thomas from Pocahontas. Looking back, he set off a type I never realized until much later, lol. I'm rewatching Once Upon a Time right now, so my current crush is Captain Hook, though since it's a rewatch, I don't know if it counts, but I will anyway.   reply
13 10,2023
As a woman, who is into BL, I would answer your questions, but so many have already answered them the way I would. I will, however, like to direct you to a youtuber named "KrisPNatz." He's an ani-tuber that has covered most, if not all of these topics in his videos, because he is a fudanshi, which is the male version of a fujoshi. He explains thing......   1 reply
30 10,2019