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Romu's answer (7)

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I don't follow anyone. I don't care about people on this site.   reply
12 04,2024
17 03,2024
INFP-T, I'm a 100% introvert   1 reply
17 03,2024
Shang Qinghua   2 reply
23 03,2024
about question
18 03,2024
94   reply
18 03,2024
02 05,2024
25%   reply
02 05,2024
currently 4, after some time passes I just close tabs that I haven't opened in a while   reply
23 03,2024
about question
Centrum-mangi got DMCA-ed in 2015, then I moved to Mangafox, Mangafox died so I would just read on scanlators' sites until Mangadex got created. Licensed titles aren't on Mangadex so I looked for an alternative for my broke ass and found Mangago recommended. As seen on my profile I've been there since 2019.   reply
20 days