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twistedMind's answer (5)

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I NEED TO SEE THE BATHROOM!!! everytime i see them wearing huge gowns i always wonder how they go to the bathroom do they just lift it up or undress? do they have servant if they pee or poo??? what does the bathroom look?   reply
22 01,2021
undo the likes and rewrite the comments and also the notification Σ(っ°Д °;)っ   reply
26 09,2020
20 07,2020
Try listening to loona they have around 70+ songs with different concept and sound also They have 12 member and 3 sub-unit (and amazing universe) 1/3- fresh concept Odd eyes circle -super power concept Yyxy- mysterious concept They are also a big fan of bts they cover fire and not today before and they also wear bt21 shoes and look up to bts a lo......   reply
20 07,2020
if you have any left over vegetable chop it finely then mix water and flour some salt then mix the vegetable you'll have something like okonomiyaki or if you have an egg mix egg a little flour and then sugar then dip the egg and fry it   reply
25 11,2020