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Uzumakii's question (9)

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Uzumakii 28 09,2020
im freaking out, I've been coughing and sneezing, stuffy nose for a few days so I assumed I just had a common cold but I have also just now lost my sense of smell which I know for sure is a symptom of covid but idk about a common cold i still have my sense of taste but I about to have a panic attack I overthink ALOT so has anyone here had or has covid 19? What was your experience and how did you get over it (btw its not comfired I have anything and no i haven't really been going out anywhere i went to visit my dad like 2 weeks ago and he was really sick so maybe? Idk. Give me peace of mind please thanks
28 09,2020
Uzumakii 10 02,2021
genre doesnt matter like your favorite novels.. show off and help please
10 02,2021
How does members of the LGBTQIA community especially our gays feel about bisexual people saying the F slur or anyone who's really not gay. I've seen so many bisexual people get so defensive about the F slur and about how they have the right to say it which could probably be argued and I really just wanted some insight about how others feel about it. Personally I don't think alot of bisexual people understand the privilege they have over gay people and how more acceptable they are in our society than gay people. I'm not saying we shouldn't be saying but if a gay person says that they are uncomfortable with you saying it it should be respected and not argued against but thats just my opinion, Don't beat me up
23 10,2020
I dont know if this pic crew is already here but its the most inclusive diverse pic crew that ive played with, options varies from textured hair, monolids disabilities options , hijabs etc. So show me a general idea of how you look and have fun! Idc if you embellish yourself and you don't look exactly like your pic crew i just wanna seeee
29 05,2021
Hi!! Does anyone know what the drama/rumors are about ? The author is under alot of hellfire and they're being harassed really bad doesanyone know whas going on..
12 03,2021
I just would like to hear anyone's opinion on black cosplayers? I've seen too many of them harrassed for being black and cosplaying it's so gross I've recently just seen another one and it had me so sickened actually that people are that hateful for no reason ! She was called the n word with the hard r, compared to mr popo from Dbz it's awful. I've seen many actual Japanese people from Japan support black cosplayers but it's the white people who are upset? Why is that? Idk why they think anime characters are white?! It's the loser teenagers who think anime is a personality trait with anime pfp on every social media they have. Anyways thoughts. (The recent post I'm referring to is @litdesu on Twitter it's her pinned tweet you can check It out if you want.)
06 07,2020