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_Sad_Pastel_Potato_'s answer page 1 (37)

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about have sex
Well I did, until I got a roommate. I won't go through all details but we ended up becoming fuck buddies, so I don't really have to masturbate. The most messed up thing is that we're both guys. I was his first guy and he was mine. Its been about 6 months since we started and I don't think we'll stop for quite some time...   28 reply
27 02,2020
messy masochistic bitch.   7 reply
21 05,2020
I don't know if I find him "sexy" but I definitely find him FUCKING ADORABLE!! (Usami) BUT THIS GUY! DAMN HE IS SEXY! Not really my type tho...   2 reply
27 05,2020
"Why do you dress like that if you're a boy?" " why are you so small?" " how old are you?" " you're showing off too much skin for a guy" " you're a boy, act like one" "wanna bang??" "Are you gay?" Are you a boy or a girl?" EVERY. TIME. I. GO. OUT. I. HAVE. TO. LISTEN. TO. THIS!!! CAN YOU JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS?!   4 reply
29 02,2020
A fucking mess, trash, a pice of bitch shit. ️   2 reply
21 05,2020
about have sex
Absolutely! (Guy here) I'm pretty much a masochistic slut. I've done it with a lot of guys (too many for my age) but I've never gone out with one. I've tried doing it with girls but it didn't feel right. I've gone out with some girls but again, nothing for me. And I can top but I prefer to be the bottom (in bunk beds too) so it never worked out wit......   2 reply
27 02,2020
There're too many of them lol. Technically any uke who says 'stop, no, please don't' and etc BECAUSE they only say stop but NEVER actually resist AT ALL. And also ukes who can NEVER make up their mind. One minute they like a person and the next they kick them between the legs.or if they're way too horny ALL THE TIME ( like every 2 chapters there's ......   1 reply
25 07,2020
about have sex
I'd probably just join them...but if I'm too tired I'd just ignore it. I'm a pretty chill guy so I don't really care about stuff like that. But I'd also recommend the person to just do it when I'm not near, I can get pretty out of control sometimes.   reply
27 02,2020
Uke: No, stop! Seme's brain: oh, looks like he wants more. Imma just put this picture here.   reply
22 05,2020
about have sex
I was bullied everywhere from when I was 12 to 16 all because of a rumor that ended up being true. It started with a rumor that I liked boys because I looked too much like a "female" ( I had blond hair to my shoulders and sometimes I had to set it up in a little ponytail) that apparently made gay and I "female". I even had to quit school for a whil......   8 reply
27 02,2020
Well, of course! Love is love! Not that I want to fall in love anymore.   reply
21 02,2020
No...I love having sex but that's...way too..."disgusting?" For me, and I'm literally a slut.   1 reply
29 02,2020
Guy here. Being a pedo is a bad thing. End of story. I mean, why would I want a kid when I can get a 9' inch dick???   2 reply
02 05,2020
about penpals
WHERE IS THIS GUY FROM???!   1 reply
05 12,2019
No. Never. Yaoi is my life now.   reply
20 02,2020
I'm a big masochist! I think I'm gay but I'm not really sure yet....I'm 21 5'8 (don't bully me (/TДT)/ ) I have more sex friends than I have real friends aaaannnndddd I'm a bottom....yes, in bunk beds too. I guess the things I usually don't tell people is that I have ONE nipple piercing and that I love skirts!!! I know this is more than one thing ......   reply
29 02,2020's just so sad and cute! I was crying sooo much while reading it! It's definitely my favorite one of my mangas!   reply
13 04,2020
Girl, I'm a guy and I started reading BJ Alex when I was 12. Please, you have nothing to worry about. You read whatever you want as long as you're comfortable with it.   reply
13 01,2020
What I got.... You are a Badass Uke! Other uke admire you, some seme fear you. Despite your sometimes flaming appearance, you can even fool other people into thinking you are seme with your mischievous, manipulative attitude, but when push comes to shove, your true submissive nature emerges. It takes a seme with enough intensity to challenge you a......   2 reply
04 03,2020
On my phone: Ipad2: iPad 1:   reply
26 06,2020