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Dre's answer (5)

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Most of my friends know I read yaoi. And yes, they think I'm weird for liking these kind of things. Sometimes I even have no shame and read them at class. But I have a fujoshi bestfriend that went to same middle school as me and my sister is a fujoshi as well so I still have someone to talk to about yaoi. My parents have no idea my sister and I are......   1 reply
28 12,2019
Cute/shota type semes! They're rarely found but I'm very excited when I found one. I'm not really a fan of buff seme haha   reply
28 12,2019
Am I the only one who wanna keep being a virgin until getting married (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   1 reply
28 12,2019
NO AND NEVER.   reply
28 12,2019
13 I guess? My sister has already been a fujoshi for a long time and I used to see her as a weirdo ( ̄∇ ̄")(well my sis mostly into kpop boy x boy ships but she read yaoi mangas too) And I also have a fujoshi friend that eventually made me one too haha.   reply
28 12,2019