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bananaman2.0's answer (8)

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I'm no relationship expert, but I've had my fair share of 'white moonlight' lmao. I think the best thing to do here is rationalize your feelings and give up. Try to distance yourself from him and view him in an objective manner. Pursuing him or confessing while he's in a relationship will lead to a lot of tension and awkwardness if he says no. If h......   reply
24 06,2019
...hello fellow peers. I also wanted to relate my experience of giving up. Every night before bed, I make a resolution to myself. 'Tomorrow, I will keep up with my skincare routine, start eating healthy, exercise, drink lots of water, and generally lead a healthy life.' I then proceed to wake up and eat a whole thing of oreos because my body desper......   reply
23 06,2019
bananaman2.0 24 04,2019
Yes. Maybe. It is for me. I don't like how bulky men in gay porn often tend to be. Also. Hairy ass legs are very common. I do not like hairy legs. Or hairy arms. Very off-putting. Even with yaoi I'm very picky lmao. Get out of here with that realistic stuff. I like my boys unbelievably attractive. I like my eyes to be blessed with men that are so h......   reply
24 04,2019
Well, I don't know about super assertive alpha males haha, but I've had a couple guys who've had crushes on me start to tease me. In a mean way, not that super erotic crap in shoujo....I wish tho… Sort of like pulling pigtails (except I didn't have pigtails lmao). I'm kind of sensitive to people's emotions so I knew they liked me. I rejected them......   1 reply
29 06,2019
I'm not really sure if I can answer your questions in a particularly helpful manner, but here's my answers to your questions in the way I have perceived them. You ask, you shall receive (my input lmao). First of all, let me start off by saying that the following is in no way expert opinion. It is personal opinion and conjecture. Please do not ta......   reply
22 06,2019
add me back (insta:presentlysuffering). I can talk Naruto for days baby. mostly yaoi. but fanfiction really slays me. I have *ideas*…..mostly yaoi and angst tho lmao. (If anyone else sees this, feel free to add and dm me. I also like kpop, webnovels, danmei~~, and dank memes) (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   reply
22 06,2019
Hello!! I too, am very lonely. As in, desperately lacking in human interaction. You can call me Anne. I am 15 years old. Fun fact? Hmmmm. I'm Asian lmao. I also know a tiny bit of Korean. Like barely. Like....none. I don't know Korean. ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ I tried to study it....and promptly gave up. And that's pretty much it. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
23 06,2019
Is it too late lmao? LordManBanana#0999   reply
23 06,2019