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morii's answer (3)

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about drawing
I LOVE drawing so much its ridiculous i honestly cant live without it. it has been a constant in my life which is funny since throughout my childhood i havent been drawing much. Lately, though, i have been drawing much more since ive been receiving support through friends since depression and anxiety hasnt been making it easy. I have only recently ......   reply
19 09,2016
I have a lot of them, most of them being rare pairs but I'll share the ones I have been obsesing over recently. There is TeruDai, UshiTen, IwaOi, MatsuHana, Izuku w/ practically everyone, and anything w/ bottom Bokuto (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
10 05,2016
Pan Agender here lmao to think when i started reading yaoi i thought i was a str8 cis lolol ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶   reply
26 12,2016