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blatantescapist's answer page 2 (138)

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I’m glad a lot of people disagree with having a yandere lover. I almost lost hope lol.   reply
21 07,2020
Same, that’s why I never read love triangles. If there’s three dudes in a cover, I never click on the manga lol. Shallow, I know, but if it wasn’t a love triangle then they shouldn’t have put three people in the cover. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
14 09,2020
blatantescapist 01 09,2020
Animated hentai is usually terrible due to its low budget. I recommend sticking to manga. There are comics out there with colour, and there’s a wide selection you can pick depending on what kinks you like or hate. R/doujinshi on Reddit’s got a lot of straight smut you can browse.   reply
01 09,2020
When I was 13 I was so sad when L died lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ but yeah, I agree with the rest. Ash Lynx from Banana Fish deserved better.   1 reply
30 08,2019
about scared of
I really don’t think it’s a good idea to use any sort of oil lying around at home. For your sake, I hope you used something that’s supposed to be used for this purpose.   reply
16 08,2020
about question
Mononoke. Watch it, it’s great. If you’re interested in japanese folklore, beautiful patterns, and are open to visuals outside of the anime norm... this is it, chief.   reply
07 05,2021
about stalking
Cabbage patch kids made me believe that you had to buy babies in the mall because their stupid toys came with a birth certificate. Thanks for that, Mr. Roberts. A few years later, I watched a woman in a film take birth control pills but I was too young to understand. It went from “oh babies come in boxes you buy in the store, you can choose any......   reply
18 06,2020
Wait, people insert themselves in characters? I don’t even do that when I play otome. I just like a good story. Or good smut in a third person perspective. Just anything without me in the picture.   reply
30 08,2020
Living abroad with no connections so I was truly alone for a couple of years. Walking back home at 11pm every week because of evening classes in the winter cold. It was tough but I had to do it so I don’t waste money.   1 reply
31 08,2020
To be financially stable for the rest of my life. No debts, no worries.   reply
11 07,2020
Does "eh" count????? EEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH   2 reply
04 08,2020
I think he was joking in that video.   reply
14 06,2021
That’s a no from me. I never ship real people. Feels disrespectful if I’m being honest.   reply
16 07,2020
For the uneducated:   reply
04 10,2020
I think you mean pyro jack   reply
04 10,2020
I have no qualms with nastier stuff if a) they’re obviously just fap material, something you read NOT for the plot b) well-written “fucked up” stories as the kids call it. You can throw in amputation or being used as a toilet but as long as there’s a good plot to back it up, I’ll read it. Some artist just draw these BL comics for shock ......   1 reply
07 08,2020
I can’t stand love triangles/second leads. A love rival’s purpose is only to push the main couple and is forgotten afterwards. I hate it. They deserve better. Overly violent tsundere characters who lash out to nice people because being angry or “embarrassed” is their entire personality, even when they’re already in a relationship. Love ......   reply
21 08,2020
I am my own power couple.   reply
28 06,2021
I'm not a licensed psychologist so I don't know why people are attracted to things that borderline taboo. You don't see people pointing fingers at Game of Thrones fans for watching a show that has incest, murder, rape, etc. Actually, I spoke too soon. There are probably people out there who do. But it's not weird. I've seen a lot of people who rea......   1 reply
30 08,2020