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Fanboiii's answer page 1 (25)

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I’m from merica home of kentucky fried guns and bad grammar   2 reply
03 05,2020
Marriage is a basic right and there’s no reason for it to be taken away from gay presenting couples. It’s not “gay marriage”, it’s just marriage. There’s no difference.   reply
08 07,2020
I hate to say this, but when I first came here for some reason I didn’t like it??? I really don’t know why. I ended up staying because I grew to love the format after I made an account.   reply
06 05,2020
I shave my armpits because the only reason it’s there is to make you smell. I don’t have energy to shave anything else tho lol   1 reply
10 07,2020
about bl tropes
Casual transphobia   1 reply
28 04,2020
Gay but I am still young and questioning my sexual and gender identity. Yaoi is good because, personally, I’m more attracted to a masculine type and yuri is, well, ugh. It’s normally directed to a male audience and the girls are pretty fem. tits aren’t hugely my thing. Yaoi has no bouncy boobs. I like that.   1 reply
25 12,2019
I live in NYC and the situation is still quite bad here so, I have to.   reply
15 06,2020
Really depends on the time period. In “olden times” when the life expectancy was low, women were married off as soon as they hit puberty, so they would be able to produce and take care of as many children as possible before they die. Men would continue to marry young women until they had enough for at least one live past them. It was just a nec......   1 reply
16 07,2020
I’m an 11 year old butch lesbian, from mars of course, I’m biracial and don’t really do much in terms of ethnicity. I’m young so I don’t have a job, but I live and go to school in NYC. I’m also horrified of bridges, starfish, and I don’t really like eating food.   1 reply
14 07,2019
19 03,2020
Trasgenger means you transition into any gender you were not born as, be it male, female, non-binary, etc. Being transgender means you have gender dysphoria, a medical condition where you feel that your gender and sex is different to that you were born as. There are multiple kinds of dysphoria. There is social (discomfort with presenting as and usi......   1 reply
19 03,2020
A lot of trans people realize during puberty, when their bodies begin to change against how they feel. Even so, people can realize at any age. As for transitioning, many people deal with it differently. You can start off taking hormones to replace that of your birth sex, which is a very common approach. I personally know more about FTM(female to ma......   1 reply
19 03,2020
@androgynous_art_kid I’m socially awkward as anything just a warning   1 reply
28 08,2019
Listen, I hear you about a lot of this. 1) I’m a fujo, sure, but that doesn’t mean I’m heterosexual. I’m just a lesbian that can’t stand how relationships are shown in yuri. Yes, sure if I were male I would still be gay, but that’s just because I have problems with straight relationships and heterosexual “personalities.” 2) Perso......   reply
23 06,2019
I was 9 and I loved it   reply
14 07,2019
about drawing
I only just started but I have a few posts My instagram is @Androgynous_Art_Kid   reply
14 07,2019
1. Top — hmmmm I’m a verse so it be half right either way 2. Sasuke — narutos trash 3. “B-but we’re both guys” 4. Doesn’t load 5. The one who falls in love with senpai — MUCH 6. Yuri squad — I don’t really read yuri but I’m lesbian so ya 7. Multiple orgasms — more of a moaning and hickys kinda guy 8. Libra and Sagitta......   1 reply
04 05,2020
06 02,2020
Tampons are so annoying and uncomfortable. I tend to avoid them when possible. I’m generally a pretty non-active person so I can get away with it. Story of my first time using a tampon So I do theatre in school and my first middle school show was les mis. Dress rehearsal day one comes along and BAM I got my period. I was so focused in acting ......   reply
06 02,2020
Brave of you to assume I’m hetero   reply
24 06,2019
I would get rid of my boobs even if I didnt get wings   reply
27 07,2020
Do you speak English fluently? I really can’t seem to understand your phrasing. First things first, as far as I was taught in school, being a “psychopath” isn’t an actual condition, but a term created by people that has now come to be widespread through media. Second, what is your proof for psychopaths being part of the lgbtq+ community. Th......   2 reply
02 05,2020