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Daemon's answer (13)

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Like everyone's mentioned, Ereri is just ugh. Eren is a 15 y/o kid being paired with his superior who is in his 30s like wtf. You can't even search for good fics or fanart w/o being bombarded with the Ereri content. Like, it's the pedophilia for me.   2 reply
26 01,2021
Rape turned to love. Half the time it isn't even well done porn, so really, what is the point?   reply
14 07,2021
Did this OP just call Ten Count healthy? Who's gonna tell em?   reply
17 02,2021
about question
Gatekeepers   reply
26 05,2021
Just because something is a part of your culture doesn't mean it's morally correct. Male victims of pedophilia and rape and grooming exist. Age gaps can get gross after a point, yes even between two adults i.e. 18 y/o with 60 y/o. Literature is a part of the culture and does influence reality - it's just a story bro doesn't excuse your shit opinion......   reply
14 07,2021
You doin' the Lord's work on here, boo.   reply
18 02,2021
It's a nah from me boo. The omegaverse manga I like rarely focus on kids, or mpreg as a concept. But it still gets the straight chicks roaring and ready to go, and we all know yaoi is for them so . . . yeah.   reply
18 02,2021
HMU if you get suggestions that are rape/non-con free.   reply
28 05,2021
Nah, good job kid. You're young so you're liable to let your emotions take over which is okay as long as you apologise in case you were too wrong. That being said, the people who read that kinda stuff are deluded honestly. They trick themselves into believing that fiction and reality don't influence each other in the least even though they couldn't......   reply
19 02,2021
1. I certainly don't do that and most fujoshis I know don't wish for that, and for the ones who do, really dunno why. Escapism maybe? Or just plain weird. 2. Probably cause everything is a fucking stereotype nowadays. Pisses me off but people are kinda like snowflakes and warriors of justice. Although, hate to break it to you, but fem gay men are ......   reply
14 06,2019
26 01,2021
I think Path to You had a character who was canonically bi/pan, either of the two I can't really remember but yeah, it's a rarity.   reply
26 01,2021
Caste Heaven, Chen Sheng/Shen Sheng, GLEN, Kamisama no Uroko, Sore wa Are da, Ai Kamo ne and a couple of more that I can't recall.   reply
14 06,2019