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Ikémens Trash's question (1)

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Please help me find this one, I’ve read to a fat while ago (like a couple years?) and forgot and couldn’t find it since(T T

It’s about this girl who may be maybe not transmigrated to a novel or smth and she has this super powers. Others in the story has it too and she can’t hang out with anyone for some reason and her only friend was this adult lady who always wear a mask and during a ball hosted by her family the lady started going berserk from her powers and the fl went into the lady’s ‘bubble’ to save her this change the trajectory of the original novel. Instead of her being dead and the current Duke (ml maybe) takes her place she instead decide to retire in some secluded land and make the ml the Duke.

Please please give me the name of anyone new of this!!
18 02,2024