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s(O_O)s's question page 2 (205)

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I speak English(fluent), Mandarin(half-fluent because I never bothered to learn that much when I was young), and understand some Spanish(half-fluent because I can never really grasp my classes).
24 04,2021
about question
28 05,2021
about question
I checked out the comments and the situation is that the author has been feeling suicidal due to being harassed by a scanlation group and others and this pirating thing. I’ve also heard that the uploader uploaded hours after the chapter was uploaded on the original site, and people are angry because it’s such a small time frame and the author can’t make money.
It’s ok if you want to call me a hypocrite since I read a ton of mangas here, but I’m not here to talk about pirating since we’re all here on an illegal site. It’s ok if you bash me.
I just want to ask how you feel about uploading within a time frame and if There should be a certain amount of time before you upload.
If I’m incorrect about the information, please correct me. I’m sorry if I spoiled your day by bringing up this topic.
02 05,2021
about question
I feel like it doesn’t matter, like there’s no real difference. However, people call others that pour milk before cereal psychopaths. Additionally, obviously the bowl would come first.
23 05,2021
I accidently deleted this right before I got the reply...but now there's this glitch where it's deleted but people can still answer it?
18 04,2021
about lmao
s(O_O)s 10 04,2021
Please give me pictures to calm down and make my day better. I Jsut killed a large bug that looked like a roach and now I’m eating. My appetite and day are not good right now.
10 04,2021
about question
(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ (-_-)/
23 05,2021
about lmao
I’m bored
18 04,2021
Can anyone send the link to the question talking about quicksilver dragon? I don’t quite understand what’s going on since more sides have come out and I never really looked at the question.
01 06,2021
about lmao
s(O_O)s 08 04,2021
Put whatever you want idc I need a distraction from my psychology class
08 04,2021
about question
I’m bored and curious.
19 03,2021
I discovered I liked drama from when I started paying attention to the James Charles situation. Am I trying to be get rid of my boredom or something?
18 04,2021
about question
09 05,2021
26 04,2021