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weirderp's answer page 2 (79)

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nope, I can't keep up guys with yandere-ish personality because in general i'm awkward.   reply
12 02,2020
19 05,2021
how do they masturbate with their flips?   1 reply
19 05,2021
my life itself, coz it has countless of flaws. damn how I wish I could reset my life,   reply
29 07,2019
almost everything, for instance 'you'll feel good' or smth and clearly the scene is rape they're implying that rape is okay, which is clearly not.   reply
14 04,2020
I stan a lot of groups but my bias group is VIXX (yeah gods!!!). (=・ω・=)   reply
22 08,2019
25 04,2021
i listen randomly but i do have some favorite artists, if it's kpop it's vixx and verivery (or sometimes girl groups), japanese songs usually related to anime or seiyuu, and western music it's just random i don't have any faves.   reply
25 04,2021
same here, i always seen as a person who doesn't carry any burden or happy go lucky. but nobody knows that i'm struggling. i have this mindset of trusting no one, i won't cry in front of anyone coz i don't want to project myself as vulnerable person and especially i always keep in mind that im effin ugly when crying. as the result if i feel upset, ......   reply
12 08,2020
22 02,2020
assess the situation first and gonna ask some questions, if things get worse imma run out for my life and call the cops.   reply
22 02,2020
I received a lot of not-so-good comments about me for over the years and I was like 'meh, i don't care' but it doesn't mean I could not get hurt by them. I rarely got hurt when someone insults my physical appearance or my attitude towards others, but it really hits me when someone express (it may be implicitly or explicitly) that I'm not capable of......   reply
15 02,2020
15 02,2020
there's a lot of photos i want to dump but im gonna post dis boi coz its his bday   reply
15 02,2020
some yaoi-related posts on sns which give links to this site   reply
25 04,2021
it affected my studies hahahahaha but it does not mean i'll completely stop reading. on the positive side it made me knowledgeable.   reply
10 11,2019
yes, it started years ago when my lowest point of my life happened. when I feel empty, I think a lot of scenarios that would possibly killed me in an instant.   reply
10 11,2019
I think I don't know the meaning of twisted anymore, everytime I read stories that has a detailed killing/sex scenes I quickly remember them and whenever I'm bored I think those scenes happened to other people I know.   reply
24 08,2019
about question
08 05,2021
odd sense - vixx   reply
08 05,2021
the only one who can help you is yourself, try reflecting yourself (like your actions, life circumstances etc.) maybe you'll find answers there. nobody knows what's in the future so work on your present to make yourself better. Sorry, because I have no right to say words like these. I am also having a hard time but I'm saying this because i want to......   reply
13 02,2020
hetero porn, watch anime online eng sub free   reply
16 06,2021
24 07,2019
Yes, hello!!! I recently got back to kpop fandom after a long time because of VIXX as well as I'm slowly stanning other artists. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   1 reply
24 07,2019
To be honest, I never thought of changing myself seriously until I saw friends and colleagues matured. I'm aware that I have a little faith of myself that hinders me to do things that I know I could but, I'm slowly building it up!   reply
24 07,2019